SCC Course Catalog
- Accounting and Finance
- Advertising & Graphic Design
- Agribusiness
- Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology
- Associate in Arts (University Transfer)
- Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation (University Transfer)
- Associate in Arts - Business and Accounting (University Transfer)
- Associate in Science (University Transfer)
- Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation (University Transfer)
- Basic Law Enforcement Training
- Biomedical Equipment Technology
- Building Construction Technology
- Business Administration
- Collision Repair & Refinishing Technology
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Computer-Integrated Machining
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice Technology
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Systems Technology
- Electronics Engineering Technology - Automation & Control
- Elementary Education Residency Licensure
- Emergency Medical Science
- Emergency Medical Science Bridge
- Heavy Equipment Operations
- Information Technology - Business Support
- Information Technology - Cybersecurity
- Information Technology - Network Management
- Mechatronics Engineering Technology
- Medical Assisting
- 911 Communications and Operations
- Nurse Aide (Certificate)
- Nursing
- Nursing - LPN to ADN
- Practical Nursing
- Plumbing
- Radiography
- Respiratory Therapy
- Simulation and Game Development
- Social and Human Services
- Welding Technology
- AGE Electives
- Suggested Humanities and Social Science Electives List for AAS Majors

Associate in Arts (University Transfer)
SCC offers two fully transferable degrees:
- Associate in Arts (AA) and
- Associate in Science (AS).
Contact(s): John Bowman
Landis Bogle (contact for Associate in Arts)
Elizabeth Lackey (contact for Associate in Science)
Stanly Community College’s transfer degrees offer an economical and efficient way to work towards a bachelor’s degree. The Associate in Arts degree is a good choice for future education, social science (history, psychology, sociology, economics, business, etc.), liberal arts (languages, English, fine arts, etc.) majors, or a professional school that requires a strong liberal arts background. The mathematics and science requirements are fewer than for an Associate in Science degree. For most majors, if a student wishes to attend a university, the Associate in Arts degree is the best degree to pursue.
UNC-system universities (and most private colleges and universities) will accept the completed AA degree as a package, which will waive the undergraduate general education requirements.
Courses identified as Universal General Education Transfer Component courses (UGETC) will transfer to the UNC-system universities and receive course-for-course credit (provided students earn a C or better in these courses). Other courses marked for transfer may receive general education or elective credit. Some SCC courses may not meet general education core requirements. Therefore, students should work closely with their advisors when registering for courses and planning their futures.
If a student has an Associate in Arts (AA) degree and at least a 2.0 grade point average, he or she will be considered for transfer by the senior institution. If the student meets minimum admission requirements for the UNC System, he or she may transfer before completing the AA degree; however, completing the AA degree with at least a 2.0 grade point average will increase transferability to the student’s college of choice.
University Transfer - Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the University Transfer Program:
- PO.1 Students should be able to demonstrate effective research skills including all required elements as assessed in select courses as demonstrated by earning a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on the research skills rubric.
- PO.2 Students should be able to demonstrate global and cultural literacy as assessed in select courses as demonstrated by earning a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on the global/cultural literacy rubric.
- PO.3 Students will be able to analyze concepts of individuals and people within social and historical contexts as assessed in select courses as demonstrated by earning a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on the social/behavioral contexts rubric.
- PO.4: Students will be able to use critical thinking skills to solve problems as assessed in select courses as demonstrated by earning a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on the critical thinking skills rubric.
- PO.5: Students will be able to apply scientific principles to the natural and physical world as assessed in select courses as demonstrated by earning a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on the scientific principles rubric.
Students must complete a total of 60 semester hours (SH) to receive the Associate in Arts degree (see program outline below). Students must earn a “C” or better in all transferable courses. Please consult an advisor, review the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science Transfer Course List or see the Course Descriptions to ensure course transferability when selecting elective courses. The last sentence in the course description will indicate if the course is transferable.
Total semester hours: 60
Associate in Arts - A10100
Gainful Employment Disclosure
Universal General Education Transfer Component
(All Universal General Education Transfer Component courses will transfer for equivalency credit.)
Courses | Credit Hours | |
ACA 122 | College Transfer Success | 1 |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
ENG 112 | Writing and Research in the Disciplines | 3 |
Courses | Credit Hours | |
Communications/Humanities/Fine Arts* | 9 | |
Courses | Credit Hours | |
Social/Behavioral Sciences* | 9 | |
Courses | Credit Hours | |
Math* | 3 | |
Courses | Credit Hours | |
Natural Sciences* | 4 | |
Courses | Credit Hours | |
Additional General Education Hours* | 14 | |
Courses | Credit Hours | |
Other Required Hours* | 14 | |
Total Credit Hours | 60 |
Communications/Humanities/Fine Arts
Select three of the following from at least two different disciplines for 9 SHCCourses | Credit Hours | |
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 |
COM 120 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COM 231 | Public Speaking | 3 |
DRA 111 | Course does not exist | 0 |
ENG 231 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG 232 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG 241 | British Literature I | 3 |
ENG 242 | British Literature II | 3 |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUS 112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
PHI 215 | Philosophical Issues | 3 |
PHI 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Select three of the following from at least two different disciplines for 9 SHCCourses | Credit Hours | |
ECO 251 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO 252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
HIS 111 | World Civilizations I | 3 |
HIS 112 | World Civilizations II | 3 |
HIS 131 | American History I | 3 |
HIS 132 | American History II | 3 |
POL 120 | American Government | 3 |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
SOC 210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Select one of the following for 3-4 SHCCourses | Credit Hours | |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 |
MAT 152 | Statistical Methods I | 4 |
MAT 171 | Precalculus Algebra | 4 |
Natural Sciences
Select one of the following for 4 SHCCourses | Credit Hours | |
BIO 110 | Principles of Biology | 4 |
BIO 111 | General Biology I | 4 |
CHM 151 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
PHY 110 | Conceptual Physics | 3 |
PHY 110A | Conceptual Physics Lab | 1 |
Associate in Arts (Part-time Pathway)
Term 1 | Credit Hours | |
ACA 122 | College Transfer Success | 1 |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts/Communication* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 7 | |
Term 2 | Credit Hours | |
ENG 112 | Writing and Research in the Disciplines | 3 |
MAT 143 or
MAT 152
MAT 171
Quantitative Literacy
Statistical Methods I
Precalculus Algebra
3-4 |
Credit Hours | 6-7 | |
Term 3 | Credit Hours | |
AA Focused Elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 3 | |
Term 4 | Credit Hours | |
Humanities/Fine Arts/Communications* | 3 | |
Social/Behavioral Science Elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |
Term 5 | Credit Hours | |
Humanities/Fine Arts/Communication* | 3 | |
Social/Behavioral Science Elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |
Term 6 | Credit Hours | |
AA Focused Elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 3 | |
Term 7 | Credit Hours | |
AA Focused Elective* | 3 | |
Natural Science Elective* | 4 | |
Credit Hours | 7 | |
Term 8 | Credit Hours | |
Foreign Language* | 4 | |
Social/Behavioral Science Elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 7 | |
Term 9 | Credit Hours | |
AA Focused Elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 3 | |
Term 10 | Credit Hours | |
AA Focused Elective* | 3 | |
Foreign Language* | 4 | |
Credit Hours | 7 | |
Term 11 | Credit Hours | |
AA Focused Elective* | 6 | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |
Total Credit Hours | 61-62 |
Associate in Arts - CCP
Tuition-waived program for Career & College Promise (high school juniors and seniors)Courses | Credit Hours | |
ACA 122 | College Transfer Success | 1 |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
ENG 112 | Writing and Research in the Disciplines | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts* | 9 | |
Math* | 3 | |
Natural Sciences* | 4 | |
Social/Behavioral Science* | 9 | |
Total Credit Hours | 32 |
Humanities/Fine Arts
Select three of the following from at least two different disciplinesCourses | Credit Hours | |
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 |
COM 120 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COM 231 | Public Speaking | 3 |
DRA 111 | Course does not exist | 0 |
ENG 231 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG 232 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG 241 | British Literature I | 3 |
ENG 242 | British Literature II | 3 |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUS 112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
PHI 215 | Philosophical Issues | 3 |
PHI 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
Social/Behavioral Science
Select three of the following from at least two different disciplinesCourses | Credit Hours | |
ECO 251 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO 252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
HIS 111 | World Civilizations I | 3 |
HIS 112 | World Civilizations II | 3 |
HIS 131 | American History I | 3 |
HIS 132 | American History II | 3 |
POL 120 | American Government | 3 |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
SOC 210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Select one of the followingCourses | Credit Hours | |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 |
MAT 152 | Statistical Methods I | 4 |
MAT 171 | Precalculus Algebra | 4 |