SCC Course Catalog
Course Descriptions
The courses that follow are an alphabetical listing by course prefixes of curriculum courses.
Each entry includes:
- Course prefix indicates the subject area of the courses, such as ENG (English) and MAT (mathematics).
- Course number indicates the level of the course. Numbers that begin with zero designate developmental courses and are not applicable toward graduation requirements.
- Course title indicates the general course topic.
- Contact and credit numbers indicate the contact hours, which include laboratory/clinical/work experience hours,
and credit hours earned for the course. For example:
- 5/4: course meets 5 contact hours per week and earns 4 semester credit hours.
- Prerequisite indicates a course that must be taken before the described course may be taken.
- Corequisite indicates a course that must be taken in the same semester as the described course.
The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) is a statewide contract between the North Carolina Community College System and the North Carolina University System. This agreement enables students to complete lower division general education requirements at the community college and meet the respective four-year college or university equivalents.
Transferable courses: Not every course listed in the following course description list is transferable. Transferable courses are designated as such in the North Carolina Community College System’s Common Course Library or see the CAA Transfer course list).
Courses designated as Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) will transfer to universities as course-for-course credit. Other transferable courses may or may not transfer as course for course credit. Students should check with their advisor. Students must earn a C or higher in transfer courses.
(**For additional information regarding the CAA and/or course transferability, students should check with a transfer advisor or the college/university where they plan to transfer.)
- Academic Related (ACA)
- Accounting (ACC)
- Agriculture (AGR)
- Air Cond, Heating & Refrig (AHR)
- Animal Science (ANS)
- Art (ART)
- Automation & Robotics (ATR)
- Automotive Body Repair (AUB)
- Cyber Crime Technology (CCT)
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Criminal Justice (CJC)
- Communication (COM)
- Cosmetology (COS)
- Computer Science (CSC)
- Computer Technology Integration (CTI)
- Computer Information Technology (CTS)
- Carpentry (CAR)
- Construction (CST)
- Construction Management (CMT)
- Child Advocacy Studies (CAS)
- Database Management Technology (DBA)
- Developmental Disabilities (DDT)
- Design: Creative (DES)
- Drafting (DFT)
- Ecomonics (ECO)
- Education (EDU)
- Electrical (ELC)
- Electronics (ELN)
- Emergency Medical Science (EMS)
- English (ENG)
- Entrepreneurship (ETR)
- Health (HEA)
- Heavy Equipment Operations (HEO)
- History (HIS)
- Health Sciences (HSC)
- Human Services (HSE)
- Humanities (HUM)
- Hydraulics (HYD)
- Information Systems (CIS)
- International Business (INT)
- Industrial Science (ISC)
- Information Systems Security (SEC)
- Machining (MAC)
- Mathematics (MAT)
- Mechanical (MEC)
- Medical Assisting (MED)
- Marketing and Retailing (MKT)
- Music (MUS)
- Physical Education (PED)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Physics (PHY)
- Project Management Technology (PMT)
- Political Science (POL)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Plumbing (PLU)
- Substance Abuse (SAB)
- Simulation & Game Development (SGD)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPA)
- Social Work (SWK)
- Sustainability Technologies (SST)