SCC Course Catalog

Information Systems (CIS)

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 4/3

This course introduces computer concepts, including fundamental functions and operations of the computer. Topics include identification of hardware components, basic computer operations, security issues, and use of software applications. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role and function of computers and use the computer to solve problems.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy 3/2

This course provides an overview of computer concepts. Emphasis is placed on the use of personal computers and software applications for personal and fundamental workplace use. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate basic personal computer skills.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CIS 115 Introduction to Programming and Logic 5/3

This course introduces computer programming and problem solving in a structured program logic environment. Topics include language syntax, data types, program organization, problem solving methods, algorithm design, and logic control structures. Upon completion, students should be able to use top-down algorithm design and implement algorithmic solutions in a programming language.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none