SCC Course Catalog

Child Advocacy Studies (CAS)

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CAS 110 Perspectives on Child Maltreat 3/3

This course covers the critical examination of child maltreatment and advocacy. Emphasis is placed on the history, comparative perspectives, legal framework, responses to child maltreatment, pertinent issues in maltreatment and advocacy. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the knowledge and skills necessary for recognition and advocacy on behalf of child victims.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CAS 120 Cultural Awareness in Child Ma 3/3

This course is designed to deepen students' understanding of the intersection between cultural dynamics and child maltreatment, emphasizing the significance of cultural awareness in effective advocacy. Emphasis is placed on an exploration of diverse cultural contexts, promoting cultural competence as an integral aspect of advocating for the rights and well-being of children. Upon completion, students should be able to navigate the complexities of child maltreatment while respecting and valuing the diverse backgrounds of children and families.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CAS 210 Professional & Systems Respons 3/3

This course is designed to focus on the responses of professionals to allegations of child maltreatment. Emphasis is placed on the multifaceted nature of child abuse and neglect and explores evidence-based strategies for intervention, prevention, and collaboration across diverse professional settings. Upon completion, student should be able to identify the knowledge, skills, and ethical considerations essential for responding effectively to child maltreatment within various systems.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
CAS 220 Responding to the Survivor of 3/3

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and compassion necessary to effectively recognize and respond to the effects of child maltreatment. Emphasis is placed on intervention strategies for children and their families, exploring the multifaceted dimensions of child abuse, emphasizing trauma-informed approaches, and the cultivation of a supportive environment for survivors. Upon completion, students shoudl be able to demonstrate the practical skills and compassionate mindset needed to effectively recognize, respond to, and support survivors of child maltreatment.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none