SCC Course Catalog

Substance Abuse (SAB)

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 110 Intro to Addiction & Recovery 3/3

This course provides an overview of the core concepts in addiction and recovery. Topics include the history of substance use, effects on society members, treatment of addiction, and preventive measures. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the origins of substance use, addiction, prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 120 Intake and Assessment 3/3

This course develops processes for establishment of client rapport, elicitation of client information on which therapeutic activities are based, and stimulation of client introspection. Topics include diagnostic criteria, functions of counseling, nonverbal behavior, collaterals and significant others, dual diagnosis, client strengths and weakness, uncooperative clients, and crisis interventions. Upon completion, students should be able to establish communication with clients, recognize disorders, obtain information for counseling, and terminate the counseling process.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 125 Substance Abuse Case Management 4/3

This course provides case management activities, including record keeping, recovery issues, community resources, and continuum of care. Emphasis is placed on establishing a systematic approach to monitor the treatment plan and maintain quality of life. Upon completion, students should be able to assist clients in the continuum of care as an ongoing recovery process and develop agency networking.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 135 Addictive Process 3/3

This course covers the physical, emotional, psychological, and cultural aspects of the addictive process. Emphasis is placed on disorders related to addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, work, gambling, internet, and relationships. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the effects, prevention strategies, and treatment methods associated with addictive disorders.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 137 Co-Dependency 3/3

This course introduces the adult child concept and co-dependency as syndromes of the addictive process. Emphasis is placed on treatment and recovery within the context of a paradigm shift which allows the individual to choose a healthy model of life. Upon completion, students should be able to assess levels of co-dependency and associated levels of physical and mental health and develop strategies to enhance health.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 210 Addiction & Recovery Counseling 4/3

This course provides theory and skills acquisition by utilizing intervention strategies designed to obtain therapeutic information, support recovery, and prevent relapse. Topics include counseling individuals and dysfunctional families, screening instruments, counseling techniques and approaches, recovery and relapse, and special populations. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss issues critical to recovery, identify intervention models, and initiate a procedure culminating in cognitive/behavioral change.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
SAB 240 Diversity, Ethics, & Trends in 3/3

This course introduces systems of diversity, ethics, and trends in addiction and recovery. Topics include confidentiality, assessment of personal values, professional responsibilities, competencies, and ethics relative to multicultural service provision. Upon completion, students should be able to apply and discuss multiple diversity and ethical scenarios applicable to addiction and recovery services.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none