SCC Course Catalog

Business (BUS)

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 110 Introduction to Business 3/3

This course provides a survey of the business world. Topics include the basic principles and practices of contemporary business. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of business concepts as a foundation for studying other business subjects.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 115 Business Law I 3/3

This course introduces the student to the legal and ethical framework of business. Contracts, negotiable instruments, the law of sales, torts, crimes, constitutional law, the Uniform Commercial Code, and the court systems are examined. Upon completion the student should be able to identify legal and ethical issues that arise in business decisions and the laws that apply to them.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 116 Business Law II 3/3

This course includes the study of the legal and ethical framework of business. Business Organizations, property law, intellectual property law, agency and employment law, consumer law, secured transactions, and bankruptcy are examined. Upon completion, the student should be able to identify legal and ethical issues that arise in business decisions and the laws that apply to them.

Prerequisite: Take BUS-115

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 121 Business Math 4/3

This course covers fundamental mathematical operations and their application to business problems. Topics include payroll, pricing, interest and discount, commission, taxes, and other pertinent uses of mathematics in the field of business. Upon completion, students should be able to apply mathematical concepts to business.

Prerequisite: Take MAT-060 or DMA-030; Minimum grade C

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 125 Personal Finance 3/3

This course provides a study of individual and family financial decisions. Emphasis is placed on building useful skills in buying, managing finances, increasing resources, and coping with current economic conditions. Upon completion, students should be able to develop a personal financial plan.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 137 Principles of Management 3/3

This course is designed to be an overview of the major functions of management. Emphasis is placed on planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and communicating. Upon completion, students should be able to work as contributing members of a team utilizing these functions of management.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 139 Entrepreneurship I 3/3

This course provides an introduction to the principles of entrepreneurship. Topics include self-analysis of entrepreneurship readiness, the role of entrepreneur in economic development, legal problems, organizational structure, sources of financing, budgeting, and cash flow. Upon completion, students should have an understanding of the entrepreneurial process and issues faced by entrepreneurs.

Prerequisite: Take BUS-110;

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 151 People Skills 3/3

This course introduces the basic concepts of identity and communication in the business setting. Topics include self-concept, values, communication styles, feelings and emotions, roles versus relationships, and basic assertiveness, listening, and conflict resolution. Upon completion, students should be able to distinguish between unhealthy, self-destructive, communication patterns and healthy, non-destructive, positive communication patterns.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 153 Human Resource Management 3/3

This course introduces the functions of personnel/human resource management within an organization. Topics include equal opportunity and the legal environment, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, employee development, compensation planning, and employee relations. Upon completion, students should be able to anticipate and resolve human resource concerns.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 230 Small Business Management 3/3

This course introduces the challenges of entrepreneurship including the startup and operation of a small business. Topics include market research techniques, feasibility studies, site analysis, financing alternatives, and managerial decision making. Upon completion, students should be able to develop a small business plan.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 239 Business Applications Seminar 3/2

This course is designed as a capstone course for Business Administration majors. Emphasis is placed on decision making in the areas of management, marketing, production, purchasing, and finance. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the techniques, processes, and vital professional skills needed in the work place.

Prerequisite: Take One Set: Set 1: ACC-120, BUS-115, BUS-137, MKT-120, and ECO-151 Set 2: ACC-120, BUS-115, BUS-137, MKT-120, and ECO-251 Set 3: ACC-120, BUS-115, BUS-137, MKT-120, and ECO-252

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 240 Business Ethics 3/3

This course introduces contemporary and controversial ethical issues that face the business community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and morality, equity, justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 245 Entrepreneurship II 3/3

This course is designed to allow the student to develop a business plan. Topics include the need for a business plan, sections of the plan, writing the plan, and how to find assistance in preparing the plan. Upon completion, students should be able to design and implement a business plan based on sound entrepreneurship principles.

Prerequisite: Take BUS-139;

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 253 Leadership and Management Skills 3/3

This course includes a study of the qualities, behaviors, and personal styles exhibited by leaders. Emphasis is placed on coaching, counseling, team building, and employee involvement. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and exhibit the behaviors needed for organizational effectiveness.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 260 Business Communication 3/3

This course is designed to develop skills in writing business communications. Emphasis is placed on business reports, correspondence, and professional presentations. Upon completion, students should be able to communicate effectively in the work place.

Prerequisite: Take One: ENG-110 or ENG-111

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 270 Professional Development 3/3

This course provides basic knowledge of self-improvement techniques as related to success in the professional world. Topics include positive human relations, job-seeking skills, and projecting positive self-image. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competent personal and professional skills necessary to get and keep a job.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none

Prefix Number Title Contact / Credit Hours
BUS 280 REAL Small Business 4/4

This course introduces hands-on techniques and procedures for planning and opening a small business, including the personal qualities needed for entrepreneurship. Emphasis is placed on market research, finance, time management, and day-to-day activities of owning/operating a small business. Upon completion, students should be able to write and implement a viable business plan and seek funding.

Prerequisite: none

Corequisite: none