SCC Course Catalog
- Accounting and Finance
- Advertising & Graphic Design
- Agribusiness
- Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology
- Associate in Arts (University Transfer)
- Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation (University Transfer)
- Associate in Arts - Business and Accounting (University Transfer)
- Associate in Science (University Transfer)
- Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation (University Transfer)
- Basic Law Enforcement Training
- Biomedical Equipment Technology
- Building Construction Technology
- Business Administration
- Collision Repair & Refinishing Technology
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Computer-Integrated Machining
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice Technology
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Systems Technology
- Electronics Engineering Technology - Automation & Control
- Elementary Education Residency Licensure
- Emergency Medical Science
- Emergency Medical Science Bridge
- Heavy Equipment Operations
- Information Technology - Business Support
- Information Technology - Cybersecurity
- Information Technology - Network Management
- Mechatronics Engineering Technology
- Medical Assisting
- 911 Communications and Operations
- Nurse Aide (Certificate)
- Nursing
- Nursing - LPN to ADN
- Practical Nursing
- Plumbing
- Radiography
- Respiratory Therapy
- Simulation and Game Development
- Social and Human Services
- Welding Technology
- AGE Electives
- Suggested Humanities and Social Science Electives List for AAS Majors

Medical Assisting
Contact(s): Starra Herring
The Medical Assisting curriculum prepares multi-skilled health care professionals qualified to perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures.
Coursework includes instruction in scheduling appointments, coding and processing insurance accounts, billing, collections, computer operations, assisting with examinations/treatments, performing routine laboratory procedures, electrocardiography, supervised medication administration; and ethical/legal issues associated with patient care.
Employment opportunities include physicians’ offices, health maintenance organizations, health departments, and hospitals. If possible, individuals desiring a career in medical assisting should take biology, mathematics, and typing courses prior to entering the program. Students are admitted to the Medical Assisting program during the fall semester.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Perform the skills of a medical assistant under the guidance of a supervising physician.
- Demonstrate knowledge of medical assistant responsibilities in office management and patient care.
- Interpret verbal and written communication relevant to safe and effective medical office and patient care practices.
- Comply with ethical, legal, and professional guidelines as a member of a health service profession.
- Use computer programs to perform office clerical skills.
- Demonstrate critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities in the performance of entry-level medical assisting.
- Perform entry level Competencies/Psychomotor (skills), Cognitive (knowledge) and Affective (behavior) for a Medical Assistants as developed and published by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in cooperation with the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).
- Perform all administrative and clinical procedures, which are assigned by a supervising medical assistant with a high degree of technical skill, effectiveness, efficiency and safety as an entry-level medical assistant.
The Medical Assisting Diploma Program, at Stanly Community College is awarded a 1 + 1 program, which means that all AAS graduates also receive the Diploma and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).
The Medical Assisting Program at Stanly Community College Diploma Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board ( (MAERB).
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9355 - 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
(727) 210-2350
Graduates of CAAHEP accredited medical assisting programs may be eligible to sit for the American Association of Medical Assistants' Certification Examination to become Certified Medical Assistants.
American Association of Medical Assisting (AAMA)
Assisting Endowment
20 N. Wacker Dr.
Suite 3720
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 899-1500
The Medical Assisting program accepts a maximum of 30 students for entry each fall semester.
Minimum Expectations
“To prepare competent entry level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.”
Program Goals
- To prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.
- Perform the skills of a Medical Assistant under the guidance of a supervising physician as evaluated by successfully completing a clinical practicum with a grade of 78 or higher.
- Demonstrate knowledge of medical assistant responsibilities in office management and patient care as demonstrated by a grade of 78 or above on mock CMA Certification exam.
- Interpret verbal and written communication relevant to safe and effective medical office and patient care practices as demonstrated by a grade of 78 or above on the exam for "Therapeutic Communication Skills" in MED 260.
- Comply with ethical, legal and professional guidelines as a member of a health service profession as demonstrated by successful completion on exam "Medical Law and Ethics" with a grade of 78 or above in MED 260.
- Use computer programs to perform office clerical skills as demonstrated by successful completion of administrative practicum with a grade of 78 or above.
- Medical Assisting Degree – A45400
- Medical Assisting Diploma – D45400
- Medical Assisting Certificate – C45400
- Medical Billing & Coding Certificate - C45400M
- Medical Assisting - CCP
- AGE Pathway
Medical Assisting Degree – A45400
Gainful Employment DisclosureFirst Year | ||
Fall | Credit Hours | |
ACA 111 | College Student Success | 1 |
BIO 163 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | 5 |
MED 110 | Orientation to Medical Assisting | 1 |
MED 118 | Medical Law and Ethics | 2 |
MED 121 | Medical Terminology I | 3 |
MED 122 | Medical Terminology II | 3 |
MED 130 | Administrative Office Procedures I | 2 |
MED 272 | Drug Therapy | 3 |
Credit Hours | 20 | |
Spring | Credit Hours | |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
MED 131 | Administrative Office Procedures II | 2 |
MED 140 | Examining Room Procedures I | 5 |
MED 150 | Laboratory Procedures I | 5 |
MED 240 | Examining Room Procedures II | 5 |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
Credit Hours | 23 | |
Summer | Credit Hours | |
MED 260 | MED Clinical Practicum | 5 |
Credit Hours | 5 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | Credit Hours | |
BUS 137 | Principles of Management | 3 |
MED 232 or
MED 264
Medical Insurance Coding
Medical Assisting Overview
2 |
MED 270 | Symptomatology | 3 |
Credit Hours | 8 | |
Spring | Credit Hours | |
ENG 112 or
ENG 114
Writing and Research in the Disciplines
Professional Research & Reporting
3 |
MAT 110 | Mathematical Measurement and Literacy | 3 |
Humanities elective* | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 9 | |
Total Credit Hours | 65 |
Medical Assisting Diploma – D45400
Medical Assisting Diploma Outcomes
First Year | ||
Fall | Credit Hours | |
ACA 111 | College Student Success | 1 |
BIO 163 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | 5 |
MED 110 | Orientation to Medical Assisting | 1 |
MED 118 | Medical Law and Ethics | 2 |
MED 121 | Medical Terminology I | 3 |
MED 122 | Medical Terminology II | 3 |
MED 130 | Administrative Office Procedures I | 2 |
MED 272 | Drug Therapy | 3 |
Credit Hours | 20 | |
Spring | Credit Hours | |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
MED 131 | Administrative Office Procedures II | 2 |
MED 140 | Examining Room Procedures I | 5 |
MED 150 | Laboratory Procedures I | 5 |
MED 240 | Examining Room Procedures II | 5 |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
Credit Hours | 23 | |
Summer | Credit Hours | |
MED 260 | MED Clinical Practicum | 5 |
Credit Hours | 5 | |
Total Credit Hours | 48 |
Medical Assisting Certificate – C45400
Gainful Employment DisclosureFirst Year | ||
Fall | Credit Hours | |
ACA 111 | College Student Success | 1 |
MED 110 | Orientation to Medical Assisting | 1 |
MED 121 | Medical Terminology I | 3 |
MED 122 | Medical Terminology II | 3 |
MED 130 | Administrative Office Procedures I | 2 |
Credit Hours | 10 | |
Spring | Credit Hours | |
MED 118 | Medical Law and Ethics | 2 |
MED 131 | Administrative Office Procedures II | 2 |
MED 232 | Medical Insurance Coding | 2 |
Credit Hours | 6 | |
Total Credit Hours | 16 |
Medical Billing & Coding Certificate - C45400M
Gainful Employment DisclosureFirst Year | ||
Fall | Credit Hours | |
ACA 111 | College Student Success | 1 |
BIO 163 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | 5 |
MED 121 | Medical Terminology I | 3 |
MED 122 | Medical Terminology II | 3 |
Credit Hours | 12 | |
Spring | Credit Hours | |
MED 118 | Medical Law and Ethics | 2 |
MED 131 | Administrative Office Procedures II | 2 |
MED 232 | Medical Insurance Coding | 2 |
Credit Hours | 6 | |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Medical Assisting - CCP
Tuition-waived program for Career & College Promise (high school juniors and seniors)Courses | Credit Hours | |
MED 110 | Orientation to Medical Assisting | 1 |
MED 118 | Medical Law and Ethics | 2 |
MED 121 | Medical Terminology I | 3 |
MED 122 | Medical Terminology II | 3 |
MED 130 | Administrative Office Procedures I | 2 |
MED 131 | Administrative Office Procedures II | 2 |
MED 232 | Medical Insurance Coding | 2 |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
AGE Pathway
The Medical Assisting AGE Pathway offers students a place to begin their journey toward a career in Medical Assisting. The AGE pathway gives students the opportunity to complete all of the general education courses required in the Medical Assisting program. After completion of these courses, students who choose to continue in to the degree program will be able to focus on Medical Assisting specific courses.
For more information, please contact: Leah Reddick
Courses | Credit Hours | |
ACA 111 | College Student Success | 1 |
BIO 163 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | 5 |
BUS 137 | Principles of Management | 3 |
CIS 110 | Introduction to Computers | 3 |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
ENG 112 or
ENG 114
Writing and Research in the Disciplines
Professional Research & Reporting
3 |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
Electives* | 37 | |
Humanities elective* | 3 | |
Total Credit Hours | 64 |
Humanities list
Select 3 SHC from the followingCourses | Credit Hours | |
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 |
DRA 111 | Course does not exist | 0 |
ENG 125 | Creative Writing I | 3 |
HUM 122 | Southern Culture | 3 |
HUM 150 | American Women's Studies | 3 |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUS 112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
MUS 210 | History of Rock Music | 3 |
REL 110 | World Religions | 3 |
REL 211 | Introduction to Old Testament | 3 |
REL 212 | Introduction to New Testament | 3 |
REL 221 | Religion in America | 3 |
Elective list
Select 37 SHC from the followingCourses | Credit Hours | |
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 |
BIO 110 | Principles of Biology | 4 |
BIO 111 | General Biology I | 4 |
BIO 112 | General Biology II | 4 |
BIO 140A | Course does not exist | 0 |
BIO 163 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | 5 |
BIO 166 | Course does not exist | 0 |
BIO 275 | Microbiology | 4 |
BUS 110 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
BUS 115 | Business Law I | 3 |
BUS 137 | Principles of Management | 3 |
CHM 151 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 152 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CIS 110 | Introduction to Computers | 3 |
CIS 115 | Introduction to Programming and Logic | 3 |
CJC 111 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CJC 121 | Law Enforcement Operations | 3 |
CJC 141 | Corrections | 3 |
COM 231 | Public Speaking | 3 |
CSC 134 | C++ Programming | 3 |
CTS 115 | Information Systems Business Concepts | 3 |
ECO 251 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO 252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
EDU 216 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 |
ENG 112 | Writing and Research in the Disciplines | 3 |
ENG 114 | Professional Research & Reporting | 3 |
ENG 125 | Creative Writing I | 3 |
ENG 231 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG 232 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG 241 | British Literature I | 3 |
ENG 242 | British Literature II | 3 |
HEA 110 | Personal Health/Wellness | 3 |
HIS 111 | World Civilizations I | 3 |
HIS 112 | World Civilizations II | 3 |
HIS 131 | American History I | 3 |
HIS 132 | American History II | 3 |
HIS 236 | North Carolina History | 3 |
HUM 110 | Technology and Society | 3 |
HUM 115 | Critical Thinking | 3 |
HUM 122 | Southern Culture | 3 |
HUM 150 | American Women's Studies | 3 |
HUM 180 | International Cultural Exploration | 3 |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 |
MAT 152 | Statistical Methods I | 4 |
MAT 171 | Precalculus Algebra | 4 |
MAT 172 | Precalculus Trigonometry | 4 |
MAT 263 | Brief Calculus | 4 |
MAT 271 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT 273 | Course does not exist | 0 |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUS 112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
MUS 210 | History of Rock Music | 3 |
PED 111 | Physical Fitness I | 1 |
PED 120 | Walking for Fitness | 1 |
PHI 215 | Philosophical Issues | 3 |
PHI 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHY 110 | Conceptual Physics | 3 |
PHY 110A | Conceptual Physics Lab | 1 |
PHY 151 | College Physics I | 4 |
PHY 152 | College Physics II | 4 |
POL 120 | American Government | 3 |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
PSY 237 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSY 241 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSY 263 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
PSY 281 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
REL 110 | World Religions | 3 |
REL 211 | Introduction to Old Testament | 3 |
REL 212 | Introduction to New Testament | 3 |
REL 221 | Religion in America | 3 |
SOC 210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC 213 | Sociology of the Family | 3 |
SOC 232 | Social Context of Aging | 3 |
SPA 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
SPA 112 | Elementary Spanish II | 3 |
SPA 181 | Spanish Lab 1 | 1 |
SPA 182 | Spanish Lab 2 | 1 |
Medical Assisting Diploma Admissions Checklist
The Medical Assisting curriculum prepares multi-skilled health care professionals qualified to perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures. Course work includes instruction in scheduling appointments, coding and processing insurance accounts, billing, collections, computer operations, assisting with examinations/treatments, performing routine laboratory procedures, electrocardiography, supervised medication administration; and ethical/legal issues associated with patient care. Employment opportunities include physicians' offices, health maintenance organizations, health departments, and hospitals. The Medical Assisting Program at Stanly Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).
Students pursuing the Medical Assisting (AAS) degree will first graduate from the Diploma program in Medical Assisting. This program does not grant credit or advanced placement for experiential learning.
Print this admission procedure for your records to track completion of all steps.
The Medical Assisting Diploma application is open from August 2nd – August 1st of each year. Applications received after the deadline will be processed for the following year.
Step 1: Application __________ (date completed)
- Submit a completed application electronically for Medical Assisting (D45400) 2025 Fall term by visiting the SCC homepage,, and clicking the link "Apply" link. Application submissions are free of charge.
- Students who apply for the Medical Assisting Diploma program will be added into the Associate in General Education - Medical Assisting track in order to take classes while completing program requirements.
- For questions on completing an application, contact Eagle’s One Stop at 704-991-0123.
Step 2: Transcripts __________ (date completed)
- Submit to the Admissions Office an official high school transcript and official post-secondary transcripts for all institutions attended. Applicants that obtained a GED/Adult High School diploma must submit an official GED/AHS transcript and a high school transcript even if you did not complete high school.
- For questions related to transfer credits call the records department at 704-991-0212.
Step 3: Prove college readiness. Be eligible to enroll in ENG-111 & MAT-143 without a corequisite -OR- successful completion of the gateway ENG and/or Math requirements of the program.
- Be eligible to enroll in ENG 111 and MAT 143 WITHOUT a co-requisite. The following links explain RISE (reinforce instruction for student excellence) and provide a complete list of eligible placement tests
- If you have questions regarding your eligibility to enroll in ENG 111 and MAT 110, please contact your success coach:
AGE-Medical Assisting Success Coach:
Leah Reddick
Phone: 704-991-0223
Step 4: Maintain GPA (ongoing)
- For the applicant that has completed any college level courses taken with SCC prior to admission into the MA program, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required.
Requirements 1, 3, and 4 must be completed no later than August 1st to be considered for acceptance into the Medical Assisting Diploma program.
After conditional acceptance is granted by the admissions office, applicants must provide successful completion of the following:
Step 5: Submit a SCC medical form after acceptance into the program. The medical form must be completed by a physician, physician's assistant, or a nurse practitioner by the date given in the conditionally accepted letter.
Step 6: Submit proof of current American Heart Association BLS Healthcare Provider CPR & AED training. Current CPR certification is required throughout the student's attendance in the MA program.
Step 7: Attend orientation. Information will be emailed by Admissions after conditional acceptance into the program.
The Medical Assisting program accepts a maximum of 30 students for entry each fall semester. Applicants are conditionally accepted based upon their completion of steps 1, 3, and 4 of the admission requirements. The applicants will be ranked in order by the date applied and by their completion of the requirements. The first 30 applicants who complete steps 1, 3, and 4 before August 1st of the year they wish to enter the program will have an acceptance into the Medical Assisting program pending completion of steps 2, 5, 6 and 7. Applicants who apply to the Medical Assisting program after the 30 seats are filled will be placed on an alternate list after completing admission requirements 1, 3, and 4. If any of the applicants who have been accepted to the program should forfeit their acceptance, those applicants on the alternate list will be contacted in the order in which their names appear on the list and will be given an opportunity to enroll. If an applicant whose name appears on the alternate list is not afforded an opportunity to begin classes during the year in which he or she has made application, that applicant will need to submit another application for admission to the year following if he or she wishes to be considered for admission in the subsequent year. (Admission requirements may change from year to year for selected programs.)
Any applicant who forfeits his or her acceptance will not be guaranteed acceptance in any subsequent year. The applicant must reapply if he or she wishes to be considered for acceptance at a later date.
Applicants accepted for admission to health services programs at Stanly Community College are required to complete a criminal background check, drug screening, and possibly a fingerprint check after notification of acceptance and prior to participation in on-site clinical training. Based on the results of the checks, hospitals, or clinical affiliates, where the student will participate in on-site training, may deny access to their facility, resulting in the student's inability to complete the clinical portion of training. Students unable to complete the clinical portion of his or her training will be unable to progress in the program. Students are responsible for paying all costs associated with this requirement.
To be eligible for graduation a student must:
- Complete all course requirements in the Medical Assisting curriculum, earning a grade of C or higher or SA in all Medical Assisting- related courses and an overall 2.00 grade point average.
- Complete an Application for Graduation prior to the set deadline for May graduation.
- Pay a graduation fee at the time of registration for the last semester.
- Earn at least one-fourth of the credits required for a degree, diploma, or certificate from SCC.
- Fulfill all financial obligations to the College.
- Be present for graduation exercise. Graduation exercises are held on the dates published in the Academic Calendar. In cases of unavoidable circumstances, exceptions may be granted by the Executive Vice President of Educational Services. During graduation exercise, candidates must be dressed in proper academic attire as determined by the President of the College.
Instructors will enforce the SCC withdrawal policy if a student (1) requests withdrawal, (2) has two consecutive weeks of absences, regardless of contact, or (3) is not meeting the requirements of the course. The student may withdraw or drop the course by the date as published in the Academic Calendar for each semester. Students will be assigned a W (Withdrawn) by the Records and Registration Office.
RE-ENTRY STATUS: For students who have been previously admitted to the Medical Assisting Program but did not complete the program.
(This procedure applies also to applicants transferring from other Medical Assisting programs to SCC's program.)
- Students desiring re-entry status for the Medical Assisting program must submit an Application for Admission to the Admissions Office and satisfy all current admission requirements for the program. The application for admission must be received in Stanly Community Colleges Admissions Office at least ninety days prior to the semester in which the student is seeking readmission.
- Only those students whose cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher at the time of re-entry to the Medical Assisting program will be considered for re-entry. When applying for re-entry status, students who previously completed at least one full term in the Medical Assisting program must apply to the same term in which they withdrew. In order to be accepted for re-entry, the applicant must successfully complete a competency exam administered by the Medical Assisting Program Director. This competency exam will test the applicant's knowledge of material covered in all MED classes that were successfully completed up to the point of withdrawal. Applicants will be given one opportunity to complete the competency exam successfully. All testing and competencies should be completed prior to curriculum registration of applicable semester in which he or she desires for re-entry status.
- In addition to successful completion of the competency exam there must be space available in the program before the applicant will be granted re-entry. (Courses MED 140, MED 150, MED 240, MED 260, may be competency tested only if the applicant reenters the Medical Assisting program within one year after withdrawing from it; otherwise, they must be retaken.) If more than one applicant is seeking readmission for the same term, acceptance will be awarded in the order in which the applications for admission were received in the SCC Admissions Office.
- If after successfully completing the competency exam an applicant is denied re-entry due to lack of space in the program, that applicant will have an opportunity to apply for re-try to the same term of the following year. The applicant will again be required to complete a competency exam successfully before being readmitted to the program. If an applicant for readmission does not successfully complete one or more competency exams, he or she may start at the beginning of the Medical Assisting program.